Biden’s Big Lie: ‘Green’ Energy Doesn’t Save Money, It’s 4 to 6 Times MORE Expensive

Biden’s Big Lie: ‘Green’ Energy Doesn’t Save Money, It’s 4 to 6 Times MORE Expensive

Biden’s Big Lie: ‘Green’ Energy Doesn’t Save Money, It’s 4 to 6 Times MORE Expensive

By Stephen Moore, The Epoch Times May 25, 2022

Solar Panel Range


President Joe Biden keeps claiming that wind and solar energy are going to save money for consumers. But more government subsidies to “renewable energy” is a key feature of the White House anti-inflation strategy recently announced by Biden.

He probably got that idea from John Kerry, the administration’s climate czar, who recently claimed that “solar and wind are less expensive than coal or oil or gas.” Pete Buttigieg, the Biden Transportation secretary, makes the same claims about the thousands of dollars that motorists can save if they buy electric cars.

This couldn’t be more wrong.

Proponents of “green” energy boondoggles are often masters at playing with the numbers, because that is the only way that wind and solar electricity generation make any sense. Advocates such as Kerry love to focus on the low operating costs of solar and wind since they don’t require constant purchases of fuel. Ignoring the relatively short lifespan of solar and wind components, as well as the high initial investment, can make it appear as though solar and wind operate at lower costs than fossil fuels or nuclear power.

Let’s get the facts straight. The cost isn’t just what you pay at the retail level for gas or power. It also includes the taxes you pay to subsidize the power. A 2017 study by the Department of Energy found that for every dollar of government subsidy per BTU unit of energy produced from fossil fuels, wind and solar get at least $10.

That’s anything but a money saver.

The reason the subsidies are so high is that solar and wind have additional costs compared to their more reliable competition. “Green” energy sources are non-dispatchable, meaning their output can’t be changed to match demand. The wind doesn’t blow harder, and the sun doesn’t shine brighter, just because electricity use is peaking.

Conversely, fossil fuel entities—such as a coal plant—can ramp up generation when we need it most and ramp down when demand falls.

Widespread adoption of solar and wind generation would necessitate expensive batteries on a large scale to ensure that people still have power when the wind stops blowing or when the sun stops shining—like it does every single night.

So, unlike reliable and flexible natural gas, solar and wind require large-scale storage solutions: massive banks of batteries that are hardly environmentally friendly but are also extremely expensive. And since batteries don’t last forever, they add to both the initial expense and maintenance costs during the life of a solar or wind energy generating station.

The same problem exists with electric cars. The sticker price on EVs is considerably higher than for conventional gas-operated cars, and the so-called savings over time assume that the electric power for recharging is free. But it isn’t and power costs are rising almost as fast as gas prices.

Factors such as these are consistently ignored by Kerry and other “green” energy activists.

To genuinely evaluate dissimilar energy sources and provide an apples-to-apples comparison, the U.S. Energy Information Administration uses the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) and the Levelized Cost of Storage (LCOS). These measures consider the initial costs, the lifespan of generation and storage systems, maintenance and fuel costs, decommissioning expenses, subsidies, etc., and compare that to how much electricity is produced over a power plant’s lifetime.

The numbers don’t lie: “green” energy is a complete waste of resources.

The LCOE and LCOS for solar and on-shore wind farms are four times as expensive as natural gas. But offshore wind takes the cake—it’s six times as expensive as natural gas.

Imagine paying four to six times as much every month for the same electricity! That’s the green paradise world that the Biden administration wants for America.

Yet, it’s even worse than that because electric power costs greatly affect the cost of producing nearly everything else. In the case of producing aluminum, for example, a third of the total production cost is electricity alone.

Imagine what quadrupling electricity prices would do to the prices of all the goods and services that people buy. If you think inflation is bad now, just wait until the nation is dependent on wind and solar—then you’ll see REAL price increases.

And despite official government data contradicting their own claims, the Biden administration—including Kerry—continues spouting simple untruths on wind and solar. They hope that no one will check their fantastic facts.

To the left, wanting it to be true, makes it true.

All the while, the middle class is being crushed by $4-a-gallon gasoline and businesses everywhere are buckling under $5-per-gallon diesel. The Wall Street Journal warns that electric power blackouts could be coming because of overreliance on wind and solar power.

At some point, if this push for green energy continues, the whole nation will start to look like California, where gas is $6 a gallon, the lights go out, and electric cars are stranded because of rolling blackouts.  If that’s our “green” future, then Americans should want nothing to do with it.

Stephen Moore is a distinguished fellow in economics at the Heritage Foundation, and E.J. Antoni is a research fellow in Heritage’s Center for Data Analysis. Moore is a co-founder of the Committee to Unleash Prosperity, where Antoni is a senior fellow.

Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times or Zero Hedge.


MOORE: When the people tasked with protecting our children are the villain

MOORE: When the people tasked with protecting our children are the villains

MOORE: When the people tasked with protecting our children are the villains

By Stephen Moore, The Epoch Times May 24, 2022



An empty classroom where all his students have been confined due to Coronavirus infection in a public school in Barcelona, Spain, Friday, Jan. 21, 2022. On Friday Spanish authorities said that nearly 25,000, or 4.3% of the country's teachers were on medical leave and that over 260,000 of 8.2 million students had been told to isolate since classes resumed in the new year. (AP Photo/Emilio Morenatti)

The evidence shows that school closures during COVID were an epic public policy blunder. The school lockdowns in many states were arguably the most significant episode of government-sponsored child abuse in American history.

You don’t have to take my word for it. Last week, the liberal New York Times came to the same conclusion after an extensive investigation. The New York Times found:

“Extended school closures appear to have done much more harm than good, and many school administrators probably could have recognized as much by the fall of 2020. In places where schools re-opened that summer and fall, the spread of Covid was not noticeably worse than in places where schools remained closed.”

The New York Times also found that the primary victims were the lowest-income children. Wealthy families found education alternatives for their children either in their homes or private schools. Children from low-income families barely participated in online lessons.

“This will probably be the largest increase in educational inequity in a generation,” said Thomas Kane, an author of a Harvard study on the disparate impact of the COVID lockdowns.

The study also found that most of these school closures occurred “in major cities, which tend to be run by Democratic officials … Republicans were generally quicker to reopen schools. High-poverty schools are also more likely to have unionized teachers, and some unions lobbied for remote schooling.” And all this time, you probably thought Democrats were the party that cares about children.

But there are other villains as well that need to be exposed. Who did this to our children?

The teachers unions were probably the most shameful player, the worm in the education apple. Even after months of evidence that in-class instruction posed virtually no danger to children or teachers, they wouldn’t teach. They treated COVID as a paid vacation, even as private and Catholic schools down the street were open. In September of last year, nearly 90% of the Chicago teachers even voted to go on strike after not teaching for six months.

They weren’t the only ones in on the crime against our nation’s children. Let’s not forget about the inexcusable role of the American Academy of Pediatrics. This group of children’s doctors originally called for entire school openings for the 2020-21 school year. That was based on science.

But then, politics intervened. Two weeks later, the group did a sudden 180-degree reversal and joined in solidarity with the teachers unions calling for closing schools. They even signed joint statements with the unions.

It’s not hard to understand why the pediatricians pulled the rug out from beneath our children. Every study has shown that pediatricians are politically liberal and more so than any other medical group.

Pediatricians were regularly on TV or elsewhere in the news, falsely spooking parents about the dangers of sending children to school. It was propaganda — the big lie.

What is so chilling and unforgivable about this tale is that teachers and pediatricians are the people entrusted by parents and society at large to care for and educate children. They are supposed to have our sons’ and daughters’ best interests at stake regarding their health and well-being. But they selfishly put politics and paychecks ahead of child welfare.

So Democratic politicians, teachers unions and pediatricians formed an alliance to deny our children schooling. These are the people who sanctimoniously lecture us about the necessity of “following the science.” Yet they ignored it. They peddled fear, not facts, and perhaps Biden’s new ministry of “misinformation” might want to investigate them.

Stephen Moore is a senior fellow at Freedom Works. He is also author of the new book: “Govzilla: How The Relentless Growth of Government Is Devouring Our Economy.”

Nearly Two-Thirds of Americans Think Public Schools Are Headed in the Wrong Direction—and for Good Reason

Nearly Two-Thirds of Americans Think Public Schools Are Headed in the Wrong Direction—and for Good Reason

By Charlotte Allen, The Epoch Times April 12, 2022 Updated: April 14, 2022


In late March, the polling firm Selzer & Co. released the astonishing results of a nationwide survey of U.S. adults: Nearly two-thirds of them said they believed that U.S. public schools are headed in the wrong direction in what they teach children. Only 24 percent said they thought public schools are headed in the right direction.Classroom

The 64 percent negative majority held across sex, race, economic, and educational lines. Two-thirds of men, nearly two-thirds of women, 64 percent of whites, and 63 percent of nonwhites thought public schools were on the wrong track. Some 67 percent of people sharing homes with children younger than age 18 agreed. The only serious disparity fell along party lines: 83 percent of Republicans polled responded that they thought public schools were headed in the wrong direction, compared with 44 percent of Democrats (still a plurality).

This is a serious crisis of confidence in the public school system. As The Hill magazine pointed out, for years “teachers held political sway and successfully campaigned for raises even in deep-red states.” Whether teachers had actually been underpaid was arguable, but the fact remains that just four or five years ago, they were securing substantial boosts in salaries seemingly based on their perceived contributions to society.

Furthermore, polls consistently showed that majorities of parents had rated their children’s teachers as “excellent” or “good,” even though those ratings had been trending downward since the 1970s. Now educators are in the doghouse as far as the public is concerned.

What happened? I’m going to offer some suggestions. On March 8, the Florida Senate passed the Parental Rights in Education Act, which forbids classroom “instruction” or “discussion” about sexual orientation and gender identities in grades K–3 and applies age-appropriate restrictions in higher grades. A few weeks later, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, signed the measure into law. The legislation, dubbed “Don’t Say Gay,” and similar measures pending in other states set off a nationwide furor among progressive politicians, Hollywood celebrities, mainstream media pundits, and, especially, public-school teachers in Florida and elsewhere.

The teachers began voicing their opinions in media interviews and in TikTok videos—and what the videos revealed was that a significant number of teachers wanted to talk about their own sexual identities to the youngsters that they were supposed to be teaching.

The most shocking of the media presentations featured Florida kindergarten teacher Cory Bernaert in an MSNBC interview on March 29. The openly gay Bernaert was distressed that he wouldn’t be able to “build relationships” with the 5-year-olds in his classroom by talking about his “home life” and off-hours recreational activities.

“I don’t want to have to hide that my partner and I went paddleboarding this weekend,” Bernaert said.

Watching the MSNBC video, I thought: What? When my peers and I were in kindergarten—and right up through high school—we never spent a single minute wondering about our teachers’ home lives and much less did we want to hear about them. As far as we were concerned, teachers, love them or hate them, were abstract authority figures who had no connection with our own personal lives. We never thought about what they did outside school, and we certainly had no desire to “build relationships” with them, much less share stories about how we spent our weekends.

Another Florida teacher used TikTok to reveal her “really sneaky” strategy for getting around the “specifically Christian” parents of her students who might object: Paste a pink triangle, the Nazi concentration-camp badge for homosexuals, somewhere in your classroom, and the students will get the message, she said. A fourth-grade teacher disclosed his own nonverbal approach to communicating LGBTQ identity: Wearing rainbow socks and slapping a pink-and-blue transgender flag onto his laptop. Another teacher vowed to defy the Florida law and dared school officials to fire her.

It’s impossible to think that watching these classroom exhibitionists display their interest in sending secret signals about sexuality to children hasn’t had an effect on parents. On April 7, the Alabama legislature voted overwhelmingly to make it a felony for doctors to prescribe puberty blockers and opposite-sex hormones or to perform gender-transition surgery for people younger than age 19. And at least a dozen states have legislation pending that mimics Florida’s.

A March 11–14 poll of registered voters conducted by Politico/Morning Consult found majorities supporting both a ban on classroom teaching about sexual and gender identity through grade three and age-appropriate limitations after that. This despite nonstop propaganda opposing such restrictions from the media, the educational establishment, and the progressive elite, from President Joe Biden on down.

All this comes on top of the educational establishment taking a similar anti-parent stance on teaching the tenets of critical race theory (CRT)—the idea that white people are racist by nature and that “systemic racism” and “white privilege” permeate every aspect of American life. Nonetheless, parental revulsion against the promotion of this ideology in public schools has led to a nationwide grassroots rebellion against CRT-promoting school boards—and the election of Republican Glenn Youngkin as governor of Virginia in November 2021 after he ran on a promise that parents, not self-proclaimed educational experts, would have ultimate control over their children’s education. Meanwhile, 36 states have passed or introduced legislation banning the promotion of CRT in schools.

Adding to that are alarming statistics about setbacks in student progress brought about by most public schools’ insistence—at the behest of teachers unions—on shutting down classrooms and subjecting students to remote learning for months on end during the COVID-19 crisis. U.S. children fell at least four months behind in their academic progress, according to a McKinsey & Co. report released on April 4, and the gap was undoubtedly higher for lower-income kids.

Another survey released by Politico in conjunction with Harvard University on March 25 indicated that roughly 40 percent of parents believe that masking school-age children, another priority item for teachers unions, has harmed their offspring’s scholastic process.

Not surprisingly, private-school enrollment is spiking across America, as is homeschooling by parents themselves. At least 10 states have experienced an erosion in public school enrollment from 2019 to 2022. The COVID-19 pandemic is obviously partly to blame. But the Selzer poll in March indicates that more than 60 percent of Americans believe that something is seriously wrong with the way the public school system itself is heading.

That should give pause to the media and the educational establishment that are so eager to dismiss parents and their concerns.

Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.

Approve Our Permits: US Oil Industry Responds After Biden Cuts Imports From Russia White House blames Russia, faults oil industry, for record high gas prices

‘Approve Our Permits’

By Nathan Worcester March 8, 2022 Updated: March 8, 2022

“Cut the crap and approve our permits.”

On March 8, while President Joe Biden announced a ban on Russian oil and gas imports, regular gasoline at one BP gas station on Chicago’s South Side was nearly $5 a gallon.

“$25 is only giving you half a tank,” Dacia, a customer who was buying a few dollars of fuel, told The Epoch Times. “I probably have to go to Indiana to find somewhere else cheaper. People don’t really have that much money.”

On March 7, average national gas prices had shattered the record set in 2008, reaching a new high of $4.104, according to GasBuddy. That number surged even higher on March 8, reaching $4.173, according to AAA.

“Gas is now officially more expensive than the movie ‘I Am Legend’ imagined it would be during the apocalypse,” PragerU’s Taylor Trandahl wrote on Twitter.

Patrick De Haan, GasBuddy’s head of petroleum analysis, said, “It’s a dire situation and won’t improve any time soon. GasBuddy now expects the yearly national average to rise to its highest ever recorded.”

The Energy Information Administration’s (EIA’s) latest Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO) also reflects the costly new normal.

While EIA’s February STEO projected Brent crude, a key international benchmark, would average $83 per barrel in 2022 before falling to $68 per barrel in 2023, its March 8 STEO revised those estimates upward to $105.22 in 2022 and $88.98 in 2023.

Brent crude hit $139 per barrel on March 7. Some traders are betting that oil will reach $200 per barrel during March.

The most recent uptick in prices has to do with the Russia–Ukraine war, according to De Haan and other experts. Yet experts who spoke with The Epoch Times said prices had been increasing long before that conflict began.

“Russia’s war against Ukraine has added a premium to the price of crude on the global market of $15 to $20 per barrel, and promises to add more if the conflict is extended. But the oil price was $37 per barrel when Biden was elected and had already risen by $60 before Russia’s invasion due to supply and demand factors,” David Blackmon, editor of SHALE Magazine and co-host of the radio show In The Oil Patch, told The Epoch Times in an email.

“The fact is the market has been under-supplied for months now, and Biden has contributed to that greatly by his efforts to hamstring the U.S. oil industry. That’s the truth.”

Shubham Garg, founder and CEO of White Tundra Investments, told The Epoch Times, “The geopolitical risk and fear in the market does play a role. However, I think the bigger problem is a fundamental problem—we were already in an undersupplied market with a very low inventory.

“American domestic production and Canadian production have been unfairly targeted.”

Karr Ingham, a petroleum economist with the Texas Alliance of Energy Producers (TAEP), told The Epoch Times that a slow recovery from the COVID-19 production downturn partly accounted for the long-range rise in prices—a conclusion similar to that of EIA Administrator Steve Nalley, who testified before the Senate in November 2021 that rising oil prices are driven by global petroleum consumption outpacing production.

“The question is, why weren’t we growing production on the heels of that much faster than we were?” Ingham asked. “I think it’s quite safe to say that the political, legislative, and regulatory environment is openly hostile, or has been, to growing or re-establishing U.S. domestic crude oil production.

“It’s quite disingenuous to simply blame our current price levels on what Russia did, because we had a $90 base of crude oil pricing in place before this happened.”

Yet when the Biden administration has been pressed on rising gasoline prices, which have trended upward since November 2020, it has blamed Russia and exempted its own policies from fault.

At a March 4 press conference, White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters, “The reason why the price of gas is going up is not because of steps the president has taken. They are President [Vladimir] Putin is invading Ukraine, and that is creating a great deal of instability in the global marketplace.”

At a March 7 press conference, Psaki doubled down. Asked whether post-pandemic supply chain factors were already a driver of increased gas prices before the invasion, she said, “The anticipated continued increase … is a direct result of the invasion of Ukraine.”

“Federal policies are not limiting the supplies of oil and gas,” she later said at the same press conference.

In his Tuesday press conference announcing the Russian energy restrictions, Biden said, “It’s simply not true that my administration or policies are holding back domestic energy production.”

He cited the fact that almost 90 percent of onshore oil production doesn’t occur on federal land, as well as the fact that oil and gas firms have more than 9,000 unused permits.

In a Fact Check released on March 7, the Institute for Energy Research (IER) pointed out that oil exploration on federal lands rapidly declined under the Obama administration.

“The reality is that federal lands vastly underperform on oil and gas production versus state and private lands because the federal government owns the majority of the mineral estate,” the IER wrote.

“You can hold a lease without deciding to develop or produce it based on the economics of that lease. Companies have always made decisions based on lease economics,” Ingham said of TAEP. “To suggest they’re not going to offer more leases until companies drill what they have now—that’s making decisions on behalf of companies that the administration is neither qualified nor authorized to make.”

Tim Stewart, president of the U.S. Oil and Gas Association, had a straightforward response to Biden’s March 8 comments.

“Cut the crap and approve our permits.”

Biden administration officials are making overtures to Venezuela, Iran, and Saudi Arabia in the hopes that those countries will boost production and reduce oil prices.

“Venezuela has probably some of the dirtiest oil in the world,” Garg said. “Even if they remove the sanctions, that industry is in such a collapsed state that it’s going to require hundreds of billions of dollars and expertise from America.”

“Higher oil and gas prices make electric vehicles and renewable energy more price competitive,” Blackmon said. “This is illustrated by the fact that officials like Pete Buttigieg continue to double down on that agenda as the ‘solution’ to our high gasoline price issue. That’s why you see him, Biden, and Kamala Harris advocate for more oil from Venezuela and Iran, but not from our own domestic industry.”

The Epoch Times has reached out to the Treasury Department to see if Biden’s ban on Russian oil and gas would still allow for energy-related “U-turn transactions,” as described by the U.S. Treasury Department in a March 2 statement on the sanctions on Russia. U-turn transactions would allow the United States to continue purchasing Russian oil and gas through a third-country financial institution.



House Democrats Block Bill to Approve Keystone XL Pipeline, Promote ‘American Energy Independence From Russia’

House Democrats Block Bill to Approve Keystone XL Pipeline, Promote ‘American Energy Independence From Russia’

House Democrats Block Bill to Approve Keystone XL Pipeline, Promote ‘American Energy Independence From Russia’

Matt Gaetz explains why he joined Democrats in opposition

By Nathan Worcester

March 2, 2022 Updated: March 3, 2022

Legislation promoting U.S. energy independence from Russia has been blocked by House Democrats.

House Republicans introduced the “American Independence from Russian Energy Act” on Feb. 28, a measure meant to authorize the Keystone XL pipeline, boost domestic oil and gas production, and prevent President Joe Biden’s executive branch agencies from halting energy leasing on federal land and water, among other provisions. Yet on March 1, the legislation was shot down in a 221–202 vote, almost entirely along partisan lines.

“Getting our pipelines expanded is huge,” Rep. Bruce Westerman (R-Ark.), ranking member of the House Natural Resources Committee and a co-sponsor of the measure, told The Epoch Times. “We’re having to import Russian energy to the New England states because we don’t have pipelines that can carry Pennsylvania natural gas up there.”

U.S. crude oil imports from Russia more than doubled in 2021, rising to an average of 209,000 barrels per day from a daily average of roughly 76,000 per day barrels in 2020, according to data from the Energy Information Administration (EIA).

Raúl Grijalva (D-Ariz.), chair of the House Natural Resources Committee, didn’t respond to a request for comment by press time on his choice to vote down the legislation.

Republicans on the floor voiced near-unanimous support for the measure, with Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) describing U.S. reliance on Russian oil and petroleum products as “unconscionable.”

By contrast, Rep. Jim McGovern (D-Mass.) said Republicans “talk about energy independence, yet … are the ones who have consistently voted against and opposed green and renewable energy here at home, which is the fastest way to achieve real energy independence.”

The 220 Democrats who voted the legislation down were joined by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), who said the measure could open up the northwest Florida coast to drilling, potentially impeding military testing and related missions that take place east of the Military Mission Line.

Westerman told The Epoch Times that Gaetz’s objection was a “totally illegitimate concern.”

“I don’t know where he got the misinformation, but it talks about the Western Gulf [of Mexico],” he said. “It is not going to allow drilling around Florida.”

A spokesperson for Gaetz explained the congressman’s concerns to The Epoch Times.

Although the bill doesn’t specifically authorize drilling near Gaetz’s district, it keeps the president and his cabinet from freezing the new drilling lease sales on federal land or water. Any withdrawal of those federal holdings from drilling would have to be authorized by Congress.

The spokesperson said this language could be used to undermine a September 2020 memorandum from then-President Donald Trump extending the drilling moratorium off Florida’s northwest coast until 2032.

“The Congressionally approved moratorium is set to expire in June of 2022,” the spokesperson said, referring to the original Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act that made the area off-limits for drilling.

“It would be foolish to respond to Russia’s aggression by rendering America less capable to defeat Russia or anyone else,” the spokesperson said. “Protecting the Gulf Test Range is in America’s best interest.”

The spokesperson told The Epoch Times that Gaetz is on record as favoring more U.S. energy production to undercut Russia, drawing attention to a passage in Gaetz’s 2020 book, “Firebrand”:

“Asia’s largest consumer of energy, China, is right next to Asia’s largest producer, Russia. They are building bridges to one another that could well imperil the free world.

“We can beat Russia and other fossil fuel foes just by keeping the price of oil perpetually low.”

Westerman, who said he supports an “all of the above” energy strategy that includes oil, gas, nuclear, solar, and wind, pointed out that greenhouse gas emissions fell during the Trump administration.

“I don’t think Putin gives a rip about environmental goals, or anybody’s economy other than his own,” he said.

The legislation instructs the secretary of the interior to immediately restart the oil and gas lease sales required by the Mineral Leasing Act, which Biden first froze through Executive Order 14008 in January 2021.

In addition, it specifically instructs the secretary to hold at least four oil and gas lease sales in Wyoming, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Montana, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Nevada, and “any other state in which there is land available for oil and natural gas leasing under the [Mineral Leasing] Act.”

The Epoch Times has reached out to three key bureaus and agencies of the Interior Department involved in mining and drilling authorization—the Bureau of Land Management, the Ocean Energy Management Bureau, and the Office of Surface Reclamation and Enforcement—but didn’t receive a response by press time.

“Democrats blocking the Act yesterday from even being considered demonstrates how unserious they are about truly addressing the crisis in Ukraine,” Kathleen Sgamma, president of the Western Energy Alliance, a nonprofit energy industry association, told The Epoch Times in an email.

“We have the energy resources to starve Putin of revenue and lower prices for Americans if the president would just take action within his power now. For example, the government is holding up hundreds of federal permits in the Permian Basin, America’s most prolific oil region. Most are ready to go but are being held up for more climate change analysis.”

Representatives for the U.S. branch of Fridays for Future, the international climate movement started by Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg, didn’t respond to a request for comment on the legislation by press time.
